Marvellous Mini Makeover Ideas To Make You Feel Like A New Woman

That strange feeling creeps over you once in a while; it’s a sensation that you can’t quite put your finger on, but you know it’s telling you to slow down. Whether you’re having long stressful days at work or your social life is buzzing with invites every weekend, it’s time you took a break to make yourself feel better. You’re feeling groggy, the glow from your skin is gone, and your hair is looking limp and lifeless. You’re in dire need of makeover to make it seem like you’ve got your life together. The truth is, when you feel good about yourself everything in life happens much more seamlessly, don’t you agree? If you miss the bus by thirty seconds, but your hair looks fabulous you can always bounce back pretty quickly. When you’re having an awful day AND you feel like crap everything just seems ten times worse. It’s time to make your life a little easier and overhaul your entire face, body, hair and smile. Feel fabulous all over again so that you can face the daily challenges assertively. Boosting your self-confidence with a mini makeover will work wonders for you, so try these ideas out today!

Nip and Tuck
You might think it’s a drastic measure to invest in surgery when you’re so young, but a lot of these beautifying procedures are much less invasive than you think. Imagine never waking up to furrowed frown lines or deep wrinkles on your forehead? Many people would love to wake up with such a carefree outlook and that’s why preventative methods are becoming so popular. Look into a reputable Plastic Surgical Centre that can advise you on the best options for your individual needs. Many of the injective procedures are over and done with in just a few minutes, so you won’t even need to take much time out. Opt for a more natural look, so that your beauty is enhanced rather than completely changed.

Skincare Shake Up
If you don’t think surgery is the answer for you, then you might want to shake up your skincare routine. Sticking to the same cleansers, exfoliators and face masks can cause your skin to adapt to them too well. They will start to lose their effectiveness over time, so have a plan B in place and switch over every couple of months. Choose a cleanser that contains lots of vitamin E, which will work wonders for your skin and give it the dewy glow you’ve always been looking for. Use a face mask that contains a combination of charcoal and tea tree oil; apply this once a week and it will be sure to keep your blemishes at bay.

A Splash of Color
When your nails are bold and bright there is no more empowering feeling. If you tend to bite your nails, now might be the time to head to your local salon for a manicure; you could even get acrylic nails if your nails are too short to work with. Go for a brave color that really stands out, blood red, midnight blue and Barbie pink are all stunning shades you could try out. Make sure you get your toes painted to match them too!

Silky Smooth Skin
You’ve got your facial skincare routine nailed, but you tend to neglect your body especially when you aren’t planning on wearing anything revealing. Even if you are hiding in jeans or a jumper for the next week, it is still important to nourish your skin from your head to your toes. Whilst in the shower use a body scrub to get rid of any dead skin cells, especially around your knees and elbows. Lather your body in a rich creamy moisturiser once you have dried off, so that your skin is soothed and hydrated for the whole day. You don’t have to do this every single day, but doing this once a week will massively improve the suppleness of your skin.

Marvellous Moving
It’s easy to forget your exercise regime when you are so busy every day. Not everybody has the time to spend hours in the gym, so it’s important to find a way to move your body throughout the way. Whether that means going for a stroll on your lunch break at work or getting up thirty minutes earlier to do a home yoga session, find a method that works for you. Once your body gets used to moving little and often you will start to feel more confident through and through.

Happy Hair
You dream of having long luscious locks one day, but that will only happen if you look after your hair correctly. Try ditching the straighteners, curling irons and hairdryers for a whole month and go au natural. Use mouse, volumizing spray and dry shampoo to give it the natural boost it needs and your split ends will soon be less obvious.

Bright and White Smile
When your teeth are white there is no better way to boost your confidence levels. Often your teeth are the most obvious element of your entire face so it’s always nice to make a good first impression. Use an oil pulling method once a day for a month and you will soon notice that your teeth are a couple of shades lighter. Stick with a good oral hygiene routine too, so keep those pearly whites sparkling clean.

Wave goodbye to your blemished skin, frown lines on your forehead and unhappy hair; your life is about to feel much more organized the minute you pamper yourself. Treat yourself to whatever makes you feel good and indulge in some self-care. It is now fashionable to love yourself, so don’t be afraid to enjoy the small pleasures in life and boost your self-confidence to sky high levels. Many of these ideas won’t take more than thirty minutes out of your day, so it is important to make time for the little things. Make yourself smile again and watch your stresses melt away in an instant.

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