Be Proud of Yourself: Expressing Your Personality


There are currently almost 8 billion people in the world at the moment, which is an astounding number that many people just aren’t able to wrap their head around. While many of us were brought up to believe we are unique, it isn’t our looks that make us that way. If you’ve never heard of a “doppelganger” you may be surprised to learn there are pairings, trios and even more groups of people that look almost identical to each other. However, aside from the individual physical traits that can help tell them apart, there is one thing that everyone has different – their personality.


Our personality is defined as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character” – it is important for identifying the type of person we are and the interests we are drawn to. While there are many aspects of your personality that will become apparent to those you talk to, there are other character traits that can be represented in other, interesting ways.

Be Proud of Yourself: Expressing Your Personality


What We Wear

The types of clothes we choose to wear can be a great way to represent our personality, from slogan shirts or shirts featuring your references to popular entertainment to baggy or tight jeans. The things that make us most comfortable are the types of clothing that can often sum up someone’s character. For instance, someone comfortable in suits and regularly choosing to wear one, likely has a professional demeanour whereas those who opt for a hoody and sweatpants are likely more laid back and chilled.


It’s not just our clothes, the types of jewellery and accessories we wear are a great indicator of our individual traits. Scarfs crafted to show favourite colours or patterns, belt buckles featuring a popular symbol or slogan and even coloured shoelaces. In terms of jewellery, there are plenty of earrings and keyrings that boast symbols from our favourite tv shows or films, favourite video games or even our favourite music. Charm bracelets for women are a particular type of jewellery that can be personalised uniquely to the individual with the number of amazing charms to purchase, whether they signify an important milestone or represent a personal interest.


Your Hobbies

Your hobbies are one of the strongest aspects of your personality, the things you enjoy in your spare time often define the person you are. For example, an individual who spends their free time playing video games is considered a gamer or those who enjoy working out and staying fit are often referred to as an exercise enthusiast or a fitness fanatic. While in reality we often have many interests, it is what we participate in the most that often defines us.

There is no reason not to be proud of our hobbies and we should want to share them with those we love, as long as you are showing equal interest in their hobbies too. So, listen to the music you love, play the games you enjoy or pick up the instrument that you spent many hours learning to play. Whatever you do for fun, do it with confidence and enjoyment.

How We Decorate

Our homes are our own personal sanctuary, even if you are sharing your accommodation with housemates, your room is somewhere you can decorate to your own tastes. Whether you prefer a clean minimalistic look or wish to cover every inch of spare wall space with pictures, posters and memories, the way we decorate is a defining trait of our personality. You may prefer to paint your walls in your favourite colours or add shelving to show off your prized collectables. Making your space your own makes you feel comfortable and helps a house become a home.


When it comes to expressing yourself, never hide who you are and instead, surround yourself with people you love and accept you for your defining characteristics. You should never put up with anyone who puts you down for your interests or personality traits, so remove negativity from your life and live the way you want to. When you live the way that makes you happy, you’ll find it takes more to knock you down and the little things that may have bothered before are easily brushed away with your new enthusiasm for life. Embrace your personality and learn to love yourself!

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