A Year For You: Take The Time You Need To Grow

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut regarding your work/life balance, and sometimes; you can find yourself uninspired and dragged down by your job role and the feeling of unhappiness. More and more young women are choosing to take a significant amount of time out of their job, or current routine, to concentrate on other things, and, more importantly, themselves. Taking a sabbatical can lead to self-discovery, new experiences, and even time to further your current career path or start a completely new one.

If you get to Sunday night dreading Monday morning, and the week ahead and are spending every weekday thinking about Friday night; it might be time to reassess your current work situation. The following are some areas to consider, and some tips and ideas for those who are ready to step away from their job role, for now, so that they can lead a fulfilled life, and enjoy the rest of their future.

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Get On The Path You Want To

If you’re ready to take your job and career to the next level; you could consider taking time out to study and develop your skills in specific areas. Evolving and gaining new qualification will open more doors in your chosen line of work, and the opportunities to grow will increase. Whether you look into master operations management or a doctorate in the arts; you’ll give yourself a much needed-boost, and will be confident that your year or so out has been put to great use.

Maybe this is the perfect time for you to go back to school and study so that you can change career, or begin one; you could always do part-time hours, and work alongside your studies to pay the bills. Many places of work also offer training as you work with them and expect you to study out of hours. Therefore, your foot in the door to a fresh job opportunity could come at the very beginning of your process, and your sabbatical will quickly turn into your new life.

Find Your Next Adventure

Traveling to new destinations will give you a completely fresh outlook on life, and you’ll discover new ways of living, culture, and ideas as a result. Therefore, there’s no better way to spend the time over your sabbatical, than going on trips and adventures around the world. You don’t need it to be another regular vacation; it’s worth spending weeks at a time in a place and getting to know the locals, where the best food is, and how the way and pace of life differ from yours. You could write a blog about your travel, or simply document each step of your journey with plenty of photographs and mementos.

If you haven’t got savings to send on jetting across the globe; look into teaching abroad, or volunteering with an organization who will give you food and board. Helping and educating others will be an extremely rewarding addition to your life, and it could lead to further opportunities along that career path. Maybe it’s not your current career that’s dragging you down, and it’s more that you need a change of scene and location. If this is the case; six months, a year, or more, doing your work in a developing or faraway country, could give you the boost that you’ve needed for so long to keep motivated and excited about the future.

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