Put That Bowl Down And Get Out The Door! The Best (Healthy) Foods When You’re Always On The Go

We all tend to live a life where we can’t stop for a second, even the food that we eat tends to be something that we can grab and go. Perhaps you run for the bus with your trusty cup of Joe in your hand or during your lunch break you run to the nearest supermarket to grab a quick sandwich. But when we eat food on the go we tend to go for the unhealthy options. When we live a busy lifestyle we’ve got to make sure that we find the right snacks that can keep us going but also make sure we can physically eat them on the go. Let’s provide some healthy yet portable food.


Jerky is very high in protein, making it an ideal snack of choice while you are on the go. But some people may be put off by the salt content or cannot eat meat. In which case, you could try these weightloss snacks instead. But for those that can eat meat, jerky is usually made from turkey, beef, chicken, and even salmon. But be sure to look at the packaging because they can be high in added sugar. But it’s easy enough to make your own jerky using meat and a handful of seasonings. If you’re trying to go low carb but need to feel full, jerky is a great choice.

Turkey Roll-Ups

Cheese, vegetables, and turkey all rolled up is a great alternative to a sandwich. The vegetables give you your vitamin intake and the turkey is full of tryptophan, while cheese is just plain yummy! The great thing is that you can make roll-ups quickly. Placing four turkey breasts on a plate, spreading each one with cream cheese and vegetables of your choice, before rolling them up gives you a good dose of nutrients.

Fruit Sticks And Peanut Butter

For those people that need something vaguely sweet, this provides that all-important sugary kick but without the unhealthiness. Peanut butter is a great source of fiber and is a fantastic compliment to sweet fruits like apple. In fact, peanut butter can be more filling than whole nuts, meaning that if you purchase a jar of peanut butter not only will it be cheaper than a packet of trail mix but it will last longer too!

Protein Bars

Consuming anything in bar form appears to be the quick way to get your food intake for the day. The big problem with protein bars is that they are usually high in added sugar and artificial ingredients. Luckily, you can make your own with chopped nuts, peanut butter, and pretty much anything you want! Using dates to mold them into shapes you can leave them in the fridge to harden up or bake them in the oven.

When we’re always on the go we can forgo lunch or go for the unhealthy options. But not only are these options easy to make, they will help keep you full for much longer during your busy day.

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