Bathroom Renovation: What Not To Miss?


Are you looking for renovating your bathroom, and some good ideas? If yes, then you have landed on the right page. Here we are going to discuss the different aspects of bathroom renovations.


Most of the time, we tend to focus only on the aesthetics of the bathroom, while we miss checking the core aspects. Once we miss the utility points, then the whole idea of bathroom renovation flops.

Bathroom Renovation: What Not To Miss?

Therefore, it is wise that you start working on the core aspect of bathrooms. In this blog, we are going to focus on the basic aspect of bathroom renovation.

Areas that need attention while doing bathroom renovation:

1. Check the plumbing:

the first area that needs your attention is the plumbing. It might appear not so problematic, but minor leakage and blockages are of a regular occurrence here. In this case, these problems are demanding and you have to plan for some serious repair work to get things fixed. Hence, you must closely look at the problem areas, and if you notice that the plumbing problems are aggravating, it is time to ask a plumber to inspect the bathroom. Change the damaged pipelines, repair the faucets, and look for the cause of recurring blockages. Once you have the solution, you can ask the plumber to do the necessary repair.

2. Organize your bathroom:

Many a time, it has been seen that the bathroom looks cluttered, despite having a huge space, lack of organizers and cabinets makes the bathroom look unorganized, and so your next work as a part of a bathroom renovation is to add the organizers in your bathroom. These can be small in size or bigger ones based on your requirement, however, you must choose the right type. In addition to adding storage organizer, you can also choose the wall-mounted cabinets for your aid. These don’t occupy much space and also look very stylish. Try to pick the best one to make your bathroom look stylish and appealing.

3. Work on the lighting:

One of the key things that must not miss your eyes is lighting. It can make or break the look of your bathroom. You could optimize the natural light in your bathroom by upgrading your windows with a window installation company. Alternatively, if space is limited, adding LED lighting near the storage or around the vanity cabinets fills your bathroom with new vibrance, and it also looks stunningly beautiful. Another aspect that you must consider while going ahead with bathroom renovation is to add electrical receptacles in the bathroom. Creating a safe electrical receptacle is a must. Contact your electrician to add electrical receptacles.


4. Adding a shower:

Showers are a must in every bathroom. There are so many options out there, when it comes to buying the one for your bathroom, you must check the quality and performance before making a purchase. When you are adding a shower, then you must also consider adding a shower curtain, so that the splashes of water don’t spread across the bathroom. You can also add sliding doors to prevent the splashes of water from spreading into the bathroom. At this point, taking care of the drainage of the bathroom is equally important. You cannot ignore it. A well-drained system is important to keep the bathroom clean and free from any accidents because of skidding. Adding the right set of tiles is also important here.


These are some of the key pointers that you must take into account if you want to give your bathroom a new look. While these may appear to be small, but when clubbed together, they create a good impact on the overall appeal of the bathroom. Choosing a contractor to complete this task will also help you with this. Since they have the right resources and know-how to get the work done, it becomes easier and simpler when they take up the charge. So, choose a contractor and work on the above-mentioned aspects to have a beautiful looking and functional bathroom with the planned bathroom renovations.


  1. April 14, 2021 / 1:42 am

    We renovated our bathroom and we still need to get a plumber to come and plumb in our radiator. Still lots to do, quite a big job.

    • missJHENZ
      April 14, 2021 / 12:36 pm

      Renovation is quite big task to finish – but definitely worth it!

  2. April 14, 2021 / 4:26 am

    I love these suggestions especially checking your plumbing first. If you run into big plumbing problems that could cause you to have to make adjustments in your plans or budget.

    • missJHENZ
      April 14, 2021 / 12:37 pm

      Exactly! I’ve been there done that!

  3. Bella
    April 14, 2021 / 5:19 am

    so crazy!1 I just redid my bathroom too!! yours look amazing im doing my upstairs bathroom next and im so excited

    • missJHENZ
      April 14, 2021 / 12:38 pm

      Would love to see your before and after!

  4. April 14, 2021 / 8:06 am

    This bathroom is beautiful! I love it!

  5. Nikki Wayne
    April 14, 2021 / 5:25 pm

    Thanks for the tips..! Homeowners should really keep this in mind.

  6. April 14, 2021 / 6:14 pm

    Oh gosh, I would LOVE to have my bathroom renovated!

  7. April 14, 2021 / 9:37 pm

    Working on the lighting’s a great tip, especially when you want to take mirror selfies. Wish my bathroom looked like the pics above.

  8. Lyosha Varezhkina
    April 15, 2021 / 2:33 pm

    very cute ideas! My bathroom does need one but I put it off again and again

  9. April 15, 2021 / 9:29 pm

    Great ideas. I need to give one of our bathrooms a remodel.

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