3 Modern-Day Practices That Put Your Health At Risk


It’s no news that everyone desires good health, as it’s essential for an improved quality of life. Moreover, living a healthy lifestyle will decrease your risks of developing chronic illnesses while boosting your immune system. Likewise, you don’t have to visit your doctor regularly, thereby reducing your medical costs significantly. While you’re taking steps to maintain your overall well-being, certain actions may be sabotaging your efforts. That said, here are three modern-day practices that can put your health at risk.


  • Bad texting posture 

Many people lean their heads while on their cell phones. However, this posture can cause significant pain. Your neck isn’t designed to be in the leaning position, and keeping this posture for prolonged periods can stress your neck discs and cause spinal arthritis. Therefore, it’s essential to keep your shoulders, head, and neck neutral when on your phone to avoid stressing your neck. Likewise, throw neck stretches into your day, and reduce your screen time for the best result. 


  • Sedentary lifestyle

Sitting still for a prolonged period of time while relaxing may sound like bliss, but this practice can cause more harm than good. Modern-day work routines also contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, with this practice, your body doesn’t get to burn enough calories, leading to excess weight gain. Besides, your muscles and bones may become weaker, and your body will not be able to break down sugars and fats effectively. You also risk developing stroke, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. Besides, excess weight gain may harm your confidence and self-esteem, leading to anxiety and depression. That said, developing an active lifestyle is important to revive your health. 

3 Modern-Day Practices That Put Your Health At Risk

However, you don’t have to rush into it. It’s prudent to start slowly and build momentum as time goes on. Also, aiming for 30 minutes of physical activity daily is ideal, so keep this in mind. If you’re constantly sitting down due to work, you can take a few minutes to stretch your body. You also want to perform light exercises when watching TV and go for walks frequently. 


  • Stress caused by sleep deprivation

You may be harming yourself if you constantly deprive yourself of sleep. During sleep, your body produces hormones that repair damaged cells and control how your body uses energy. Moreover, your breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure fall and rise, important for cardiovascular health. Therefore, skipping your beauty sleep will prevent your body from effectively going through these processes. Besides, prolonged sleep deprivation can increase your chances of developing obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Your stress levels would also increase, triggering telogen effluvium, which causes hair loss. If this is something you’re experiencing, seeking professional assistance from specialists such as Perfect Hair can prove helpful.

Therefore, it’s important to get your sleep pattern back on track if you haven’t already. You can create and stick to a unique sleep schedule to get started. As a tip, give at least seven hours of sleep for the best results. Also, ensure that you wake up and go to bed at the same time every day to create a consistent pattern. Consequently, limit your daytime naps and create a calm environment to enhance sleep. 


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