Combating Stress During The Holidays: 6 Easy Strategies

The holiday period is around the corner and, undoubtedly, this should be a time of the year dedicated to relaxation and socialization. However, if you have found yourself feeling stressed about the large number of events ahead, or you are struggling to meet the last deadlines of the year, you are certainly not alone. 


Combating Stress During The Holidays: 6 Easy Strategies


Christmas can feel overwhelming, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. Fortunately, there are some easy strategies that can help you better manage your stress levels and make the most of the precious season ahead. Let’s look at these in the guide below. 


Indulge In Professional Pampering Treatments

One of the best gifts that you could invest in for yourself is a professional pampering treatment! Visiting a skin care clinic can be an excellent way to carve out some “me time” during the hectic holiday season while also enjoying relaxing treatments that are good for both your mind and your skin! Whether it’s a facial, ad hoc treatments for your skin type, or a routine check-up, visiting a skin care clinic can help you boost your self-image, address any skin problem you may be battling, and, ultimately, improve your overall health.  

Find Time To Exercise 

Exercise is critical for overall health. When you exercise, you instantly feel happier and more energized. And, of course, in time, moving your body can help you if you are on a weight loss journey and can help you get stronger and more toned. 


It may seem counterproductive: braving the cold to visit the gym is nobody’s idea of “relaxation”. However, try it and see it for yourself” exercise can do wonders for your body and mind. And, you may not even need to visit the gym! You can reap the benefits of exercise by finding an activity that you love–be it swimming, yoga, running, or even walking!

Prioritize Rest And Sleep

Rest and sleep aren’t luxuries, but essential functions that your body needs to look after your mental and physical health. When you sleep, the brain completes essential tasks necessary to preserve memories and strengthen the immune system. At the same time, your body produces energy, a process that is necessary to help you feel energized, motivated, and productive throughout the day. 


So, when it comes to fighting stress and boosting mood, be sure to get enough sleep each night–ideally 7-9 hours–and listen to your body. If you feel like you need more frequent breaks, a nap, or even an early night in, don’t fight it!

Use Healthy Stress Management Techniques

When we feel excessively stressed, it is sometimes easy to find ways to relax that are easy and accessible. However, some of these can do more harm than good in the long term. For example, a drink in the evening may feel like it helps you go to sleep, while, in fact, alcohol can significantly disrupt sleep quality and duration. This can kickstart a vicious circle that can be difficult to break! Instead, find healthy ways to deal with stress. These can include guided imagery, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, exercise or walking, creativity, aromatherapy, a healthy diet, leisure activities, and even hugs! 


These activities trigger the release of feel-good chemicals in the body, which can do wonders to help you feel immediately more relaxed and in a better mood! And, in turn, when you feel uplifted, it is easier to deal with everyday challenges without feeling overwhelmed by stress. 

Create A Calendar Of Events 

The last months of the year can be particularly stressful, especially if you have to complete a few projects and meet the last deadlines before the holidays. After all, the last thing you’ll want is having to work extra time during the Christmas period! And, this situation can be made more complex by the large number of social events that take place during the Christmas period–something that can certainly add to your burnout.


Fortunately, there’s an easy way to feel immediately more confident and in control: create a strict schedule of events for the upcoming month. This may seem like an obvious tip, but it can help you feel more prepared and organized, and even more importantly, take the next few weeks one step at a time! So, you can be more present in the present moment, lower your stress levels, and make the most of the holiday season.  

Make The Most Of Your Time With Your Loved Ones

Last but not least, don’t forget that socialization plays a key role in our mental and physical health. Over the holiday period, be sure to dedicate time to your loved ones, build or strengthen relationships, and lean into your support system. You’ll find that you are not alone and are surrounded by people ready to help!

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